Our Process
NEW Exhibitor / Beacon Discovery Application Process
- Companies are considered “new” exhibitors if they have not exhibited at a New Hope Network expo event in the past 12 months.
- To submit an application and pay the current non-refundable application fee, fill out the New Exhibitor Application. This begins with the payment of the application fee which does not guarantee a booth at the. Your application must be completed and approved before you can reserve a booth (or be added to a waitlist) and/or initiate a Beacon Discovery subscription.
- The application requires submission of product packaging (for consumer packaged goods sold through retailers), marketing materials, and any required third-party certification documentation.
- Subscribe to Beacon Discovery HERE. Product packaging, marketing materials, and any necessary third-party certification documentation are required.
- Questions about the application process can be sent to standards@newhope.com.
RETURNING Exhibitors / Beacon Renewal Process
- A “current” or “returning” exhibitor is a company that has exhibited at a New Hope Network event in the last 12 months. All others, including previous exhibitors that exhibited more than 12 months ago, are considered new and should follow the instructions above for new exhibitors.
- TA link to the Standards form will be provided at the time a booth is reserved at the next event.
- Returning exhibitors should submit new products for their next exhibit, as well as revised labelling if any non-compliance was identified at a previous event.
- Beacon Discovery renewals should contact standards@newhope.comfor any needed changes to the products or brand information.
Exhibitor Review Process
Pre Show
New exhibitors apply & receive pre-approval of product, packaging & marketing materials.
Returning exhibitors submit new product materials prior to each event for which a booth is reserved.
At Show / Online
Post Show
NHN Standards team notifies exhibitors by email with explanations of the non-compliance and opportunity to revise materials intended for exhibit at future events.
In support of our sustainability efforts, product packaging, marketing materials, and communications will increasingly be done electronically.
Advertising Review Process
Our dedicated Standards team also reviews all print and digital advertisements, sponsored content/marketing program materials. Some artwork is submitted through an Informa ad portal through which Standards can review, reject or approve the ads submitted there. Sponsored content and other marketing program materials are sent directly to the Standards team for review. Standards feedback is provided with text recommendations if any revisions are required to deploy/post the materials. As with our exhibitors, we work in partnership with advertisers to help them address and correct any issues we uncover.
Did You Know?
How Standards Evolve
Of Further Note: New Hope Network reserves the right to determine the eligibility of any company or product for inclusion in its trade shows and publications. Compliance with these standards does not exempt exhibitors from fully complying with applicable federal requirements set forth by government agencies.
If you need assistance meeting regulatory requirements, we’d like to make you aware of our in-house MarketReady Insights consulting program which offers a more comprehensive review than our Standards program. Explore these services at www.marketreadyinsights.com.